Once your farm is live and producing solar electricity, you will begin to see monthly reductions in your utility bills based on the amount of solar energy your portion of the solar farm generates. The credits are valued by the utility and will look different depending on your service territory. To help guide you, we have provided graphics below. Please note that your credit amounts will vary monthly, and these are only examples.
If you are serviced by Delmarva, your solar credits will be listed as a "CNM Credit: DPLMD CWPS" under the Delivery Charges section on Page 2.
The design of the program is that you receive credits for what your share of the farm has generated each month. Our solar credits have the potential to offset all costs associated with your Delmarva bill. However, always make sure to check if there are remaining expenses due to your utility since solar generation and your electricity usage can vary greatly throughout the year.
Any excess solar credits accumulated from months prior will display as a negative total due on your utility account. Your excess solar credits will expire each April, and you’ll receive a check from Delmarva for any credits that are still in your credit bank at that time. However, if you’ve opted into the “Indefinite Carry Over” program, your banked credits will not expire and can be used as needed throughout the year.
If Nexamp is actively billing you for solar credits and you would like to learn more, please watch the video.
Baltimore Gas and Electric (BG&E):
If you are serviced by BG&E, your solar credits will be listed as a “Community Solar Adjustment” under the “Other Charges and Credits” section on page 2.
The design of the program is that you receive credits for what your portion of the solar farm generated each month. Our solar credits have the potential to offset all costs associated with your BG&E bill. However, always make sure to check if there are remaining expenses due to your utility since solar generation and your electricity usage can vary greatly throughout the year.
If Nexamp is actively billing you for solar credits and you would like to learn more, please watch the video.
Potomac Edison:
If you are serviced by Potomac Edison, your solar credits will be listed as a Community Solar ID Credit under the “Usage Information for Meter Number” section on page 1.
The design of the program is that you receive credits in kWh matching what your portion of the solar farm generated. These kWh credits can offset both supply and delivery charges. Always make sure to check if there are remaining expenses due to your utility since solar generation and your electricity usage can vary greatly throughout the year. Your excess solar credits will roll over month-to-month and expire after 12 months. You will receive a check from Potomac Edison for any credits that are still in your credit bank at that time.
If Nexamp is actively billing you for solar credits and you would like to learn more, please watch the video.