If you are serviced by Ameren, your solar credits will be listed as Off-Site Gen Credits within the Electric Supply section of your utility bill. The offsite gen kWh is the generation from the solar farm, and Ameren deducts it from the billed supply amount.
This section contains a detailed breakdown of the kWh generated, the rate that Ameren used to value the credits, and the exact monetary deduction being applied to your utility costs. You should be able to match both the kWh produced and monetary deductions to your corresponding Nexamp invoices.
Note: By November 1, 2023, your solar credits will be applied to the total electric charges on your Ameren bill, including taxes and other charges. However, always make sure to check if there are remaining expenses due to your utility since solar generation and your electricity usage can vary greatly throughout the year.
If Nexamp is actively billing you for solar credits and you would like to learn more, please watch the video.
Commonwealth Edison (ComEd):
If you are serviced by ComEd, your solar credits will be listed in the "Renewable Community Supply Details" section. There you can find your generation and solar project details.
You should be able to match both the kWh produced and monetary deductions to your Nexamp invoices. Our credits have the potential to offset all costs associated with your ComEd bill. However, always make sure to check if there are remaining expenses due to your utility since solar generation and your electricity usage can vary greatly throughout the year. Any excess solar credits accumulated from months prior will display as a negative total due on your utility account.
If Nexamp is actively billing you for solar credits and you would like to learn more, please watch the video.