LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) and similar energy assistance programs provide valuable benefits to help manage your electricity costs. When you consider joining our community solar program, understanding your electricity expenses and the assistance you receive is crucial. This information enables us to tailor your solar farm subscription for maximum savings.
Eligibility for most energy assistance recipients to participate in community solar is straightforward. However, the utilities listed below present limitations or less-than-ideal conditions for simultaneous enrollment in both programs:
- Ameren (IL)
- Baltimore Gas and Electric (MD) - complications arise if enrolled in the lump sum MEAP program
- Central Hudson Gas and Electric (NY)
- Central Maine Power (ME)
- Commonwealth Edison (IL)
- Eversource (MA)
- National Grid (NY)
- PSE&G (NJ) - complications arise if enrolled in the lump sum HEAP
- Versant (ME)
- Xcel Energy (MN)
To navigate these considerations and ensure your energy assistance and community solar subscriptions complement each other effectively, we encourage contacting our team for personalized support.
It's important to note that while joining a community solar program alongside an assistance program is often possible, your LIHEAP funds cannot be applied towards Nexamp invoices. This is because Nexamp operates independently from your traditional electricity supplier.